Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Divine Dahlia door greeter

Let Divine Dahlia greet your guests this Halloween season!

I made Divine Dahlia to hang on your door, or a wall.  Dahlia is a little bit Glam, and a little bit Grim. She was constructed from muslin that I tinted and tea stained a ghoulish green color.
Her face has been needle sculpted, and painted with acrylic paints. If you look closely, you will see she has hairs growing out of the warts on her face.
She is wearing her basic black dress adorned with an antique lace collar, upon which she wears a small diamond spider pin. Her hat is the traditional pointed witch hat that is all glamed up with orange tulle and a rhinestone buckle. Her shawl sparkles orange and black.
Dahlia is holding a pumpkin that she just picked from her pumpkin patch, she also caught a spider that she is taking home to add to a magic potion!
Notice her newly manacured nails and the diamond ring upon her finger. Divine Dahlia has long black curly hair, she measures 35" from the tip of her hat to the bottom of her painted boots.
Thanks for checking her out, and Happy Haunting! Now on ebay. SOLD on her way to Pensylvania!

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